We are the gooborgs.
It's empty in here, isn't it?
After the COVID19 pandemic, Gooborg Studios has restructured itself in order to continue operations. All current operations are operated single-handedly by the business owner. In the future, we hope to recruit team members again and restore our prior services, or perhaps evolve into something greater.
Queen Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu
Founder / Queen of the Studio
Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu is an electronic-ambient music producer, animator, web and software developer with a strong passion towards art projects. She is always looking forward to developing her skills in any way she can, such as contributing to open source repositories like web2py and Mozilla Developer Network's Browser Compatibility Data. She created Gooborg Studios as a team where artists of all kinds can explore new styles to enhance their craft, and make a living off of what they love doing.